PalmBUS has build own high level technology, that at the same time is really simple. The server on board contains an Intel high performance processor, expandible memory, GSM-GPRS, last generation GPS receiver, and is certified for automotive environaments.
To interact with drivers it's possible to adopt different kind of appliances, with or without "touch screen" LCD high brightness display, depending on required services.
To passengers are available one or more monitor LCD, sizing from 15'', with high brithness and contrast. Terminals for passengers can be installed onboard in the number required by companies and vehicle types, without containments, in order to offer always the best experience of trip.
The disk operating system is structured according to standard of web services online that have always to be reliable 24/7, with the ability to rise up a buondless number uf bus/users to manage.
All involved technologies represent industrial standard largely appreciated. Custom or proprietary hardware technologies are not used.
The entire architecture of PalmBUS is based on the modernest Internet standard for the distributed and scalable applications. This is real guarantee of optimal functioning and ability to support companies growth with a whichever number of users, stations, devices and vehicles.