Through the data gathered by PalmBUS system on board, the management point can know fully the activities developed by every vehicle, and obtain a complete certification of the service.
For example, PalmBUS system can afford informations about:
- Km covered by every vehicle, on a line, in a working area, etc. in every period chosen;
- Number of routes made in the aggregate,on every line, etc;
- Advances and delays compared with the programmation;
- Time-tables to every stop, indication about stop done or not;
- etc.
The access to informations passes through a simple web interface, that allows to have them fastly and without any cost of upkeeping of the client or particular structures of the network. Data can be available also for external users, for example for the organisation responsible for the service.
The access to informations is based of user profiles, for which every user can visualize only the informations that he ahs right to.
For every route is possible to obtain an interactive graphic analysis of the entire route done, with informations about transits and stops done. In this way the enterprise can rebuild, in every moment, the exact route done by every single vehicle and its activity compared with the route plans or the transfer route.